
August 11-15, 2026

Team Ontario will represent our province at the 2026 Special Olympics Canada Summer Games from August 11-15, 2026, in Medicine Hat, Alberta.

Special Olympics Ontario will select Team Ontario from athletes, coaches, and volunteers who will participate in the 2024 Special Olympics Ontario Spring Games and 2025 Summer Games. Selection will be based on athletic performance and behaviour during these games.

Some coach selections will take place in the Fall 2024, while the remainder of the team including all athletes will not be selected until September 2025 following the completion of the Summer Games being hosted in Brantford.

Team Ontario Timeline:

September 2024 – Application process opens for head Coaches and one assistant coach position for swimming, powerlifting, rhythmic gymnastics, athletics, golf, bocce, 10 Pin bowling

September 2025 – Selection of athletes, mission staff, remainder of assistant coaches, and team sport coaches.

October 2025 – August 2026 – Training and preparation

Fall 2025 – Team ON Training Camps

August 2026 – Special Olympics Canada Summer Games, Medicine Hat, Alberta

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and information about National Games and Team Ontario!